A Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger Lena Rae

We've never met, but this lady and I have become friends due to common interests...And one of those interests is reading - of course. Lena Rae has my respect and admiration because she is a lady of principles who practices what she preaches, sharing her knowledge and thoughts on her spiritual blog. The address is at the bottom of her post, and you are invited to take a peek for yourselves. 


Thanks for sharing, dear friend.

The summer is going fast. There’s still time for a couple great, new reads.

The books I love, any time of year, are ones that challenge me and help me learn. I especially like well-researched, well-written historical fiction. My all-time favorite has been These Are My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901, Arizona Territories  by Nancy Turner.

I liked this book so much, that while I was reading, it I told complete strangers about it. 

The prolific author Jennifer Chiaverini  is another great historical fiction writer. I have enjoyed her books on the Civil War. Two good ones are The Spymistress and Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker.
Believe it or not I am new to fiction reading. Besides Gone with the Wind and a couple others, I did not start reading novels until 2013. Before that time I read theology. What book got me reading fiction? The Help by Kathryn Stochett.
I also love to read non-fiction, historically based books, written like a novel. There is one author who stands out from the rest and that is David McCullough. All his works are 5 stars.
There is hardly an autobiography/biography that I don’t like. My favorites have been:  Not without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody, Fire Road: the Napalm Girl’s Journey by Kim Phuc Pham Thi, Ice Bound by Jerri Nielsen, Ruth, A Portrait by Patricia Cornwell and The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.

May you have many joy-filled hours of reading –
Lena Rae


  1. I love The Hiding Place! I read it every few years, so by now I pretty much know it by heart. I think I have bought all of Corrie ten Boom's books. I have used several as devotional reading during Advent and Lent. One has exactly 40 essays, which makes it perfect for Lent.

    1. Carole, If you enjoyed The Hiding place so much you must consider https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51cFYJHFVBL.jpg
      Things we Couldn't Say, by Deit Eman. I just happen to know Linda also has this book in her favorites pile - she lent it to me!


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