Book Recommendations
For lovers of historical mysteries, or those who might like to give them a try.Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor (Jane Austin mystery # 1) by Stephanie Barron.
Recently I recommended a book in a series that is set in early Medieval times. Yes, this is THE Jane Austin so the setting for Barron's books is the early nineteenth century.
After reading this one I was hooked. Barron manages to create a very credible heroine in Jane Austin herself, much as this classic author manages to do with her own. Jane is observant, clever, intelligent. Her own large family is quite impoverished, but many doors are open to her as the daughter of a respected vicar from good parentage. The connections of wealth due to the status of brothers open doors for her among landed gentry and allow socializing with those considered out of her own class.
At the age of twenty-seven and considered a spinster with few marriage prospects allows her a greater measure of freedom.
One of my avid reader friends pointed out a common issue for those of us who like a credible scenario in our books: we are turned off by a lack of conforming to the realism of the times in historical mysteries. But Barron's research has been meticulous. She conforms completely to the facts as they have been documented concerning Jane's family, historical events, and life as it existed on each level of a rigid social class system.
What good is that if the plot is not credible and the story doesn't hold the reader's interest? None of course. And if you prefer lighter reads with less attention to details these aren't for you. But in my opinion the author delivers on all counts.
If you agree after reading Miss Austin's first experience in the world of solving crime, there are now thirteen. I've read eleven or twelve and always come back for more. Since Jane Austin died in her 40's the clock is ticking.
I've always been afraid to try these, because I love Jane Austen so much. PD James did, too, and I thought she failed with Death Comes to Pemberly, so I've been thinking that if she could not do it, who could?