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Where to Find New Reading Material

On line websites to explore to provide readers with new authors, new books

Are you looking for suggestions for places to explore to feed the insatiable appetite so many of us have to find good reads? I've chosen six to mention here.  Some may be familiar to you; they have been named in previous posts in comments given by some of my readers.

Cozy Mysteries Unlimited

This website provides a vast variety of cozies from established authors to those just beginning to cut their teeth in the field. It is well organized. You may find great bargains and stumble upon a new author that really suits your personal tastes.

Early Bird Books

I haven't explored this site extensively because they want you to begin by providing your e-mail address. And we all know that means I will start getting uninvited invitations and information by one more vendor. But they have a huge variety of books in several genres, so if you want to add this site as a source of reading material it promises to deliver that.

Project Gutenberg

This site provides over 60,000 books covering a wide range of reading tastes. It is unique in that most of the material here is older, with publication dates ranging from centuries to several decades ago. Looking for classics, authors that have gone out of print? Look here.


BookBub is a huge source of material in dozens of categories. You can also visit their blog, and any author can use this site to widen their reading base.

1531 Entertainment

This is a new site, less than a year old. Their focus is clean and Christian reads mainly in fiction, non-fiction, children's books. New authors were invited and many responded. I've tried two books by two authors I wasn't familiar with, and had to rate them so-so. But you might disagree, and this is a very good source for reading material for the younger reader.

There are as many book clubs and book sites on line as there are books at the local library! This is just a sampling.  Some people do not care for Good Reads, but I have found the friends I've made there a great source for new material - not to mention some have come to enjoy my own books as well. There is a huge variety of discussion groups you can choose from to participate in if that is your inclination.

Once again, enjoyable reading wished upon you.


  1. I'm 99.9 percent confident that Open Road Media does not share email addresses of those who subscribe to its Early Bird Books offerings. I signed up shortly after I got my first e-reader, and I later created an email account for my mom -- just to enter her in a contest for free books -- and I wasn't getting garbage emails at that address when I was checking it. Early Bird Books gets a commission on sales from the links embedded in the e-letter, plus it is the publisher of those editions, so it doesn't need to also sell email addresses.

    But, if you're leery, you could always do what I did for mom: Create a free email account, like gmail, and use it only for the EBB subscription. Then, if you start getting junk, stop checking the account.

    1. Thanks for the information, Carole. That's good to know. I expect Early Bird would send
      me notices of special prices, etc., regularly, as Book Bub does, and I prefer to check the
      sites on my own rather than have them in my e-mail, which often has so much there already. But you are right, I do have 2 e-mail addresses and could use the other.


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