Blog Post

Updated Thoughts and Input About Covid 19. This spring, after the lockdown was implemented, and suspecting this situation was going to go on for longer than originally thought, I put up a post on personal observations on covid19. 


Now we are over seven months into living with the coronavirus. There are no indications it is going to disappear soon. But surely after this long there has been more knowledge gained. Hasn't there? 

My state now ranks 32nd among known cases of covid19. In the early days we were 5th. Our county still ranks among the lowest in number of cases. The percentages among  all counties remains about the same as it always has. Businesses have been open since late spring with strict restrictions on spacing, sanitation, mandatory masks.  These restrictions exist everywhere, yet the virus marches on. Not all physicians are experts, not all are top notch, but a doctor in the veteran's hospital where my nephew works remarked some time ago, "wearing masks is rather like stopping misquitos with a chain link fence."

One thing has changed; each week here in my little town there is now a weekly   clinic with free testing. Guess what? Suddenly we have more cases. No surprise there.

Now that almost anyone can be tested for coronavirus, how many really have it? 

We already know that many people who test positive never have any symptoms. 

Recently we received a link to a website presentation by one of four lawyers who are part of the German Corona Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.

Quite a mouthful, huh? They were founded in July to investigate claims of fraud in changing the definition of pandemic and making fraudulent claims used to shut down the world economy. It is a chilling disclosure if it is true.

If you are curious and want to take 50 minutes of your time, you can read it for yourself at this link address:

But one thing this man says is clear and already completely validated: the decisions made as to how to respond to the covid19 virus  on a global level were made with a basic premise ignored: allowing opposing points of view to present their case. 

He names respected and renowned scientists from around the globe who do emphatically disagree with how the World Health Organization and their allies are responding to it. 

Twice within the past two weeks, in conversations with private individuals, I've heard stories of false test results. I cannot personally validate those claims, but those who think so have good reasons to.

 This is not your usual post for what my blog is all about. Yet I felt compelled to write it. Perhaps because every aspect of our lives have been so affected by these decisions. 

Another friend of mine is a grade school teacher. She told me these youngsters are terrified of the virus. They think it is a looming death threat. How tragic is that? 

Roughly two and a half percent of those diagnosed with covid19 succumb to it. By far the greatest number are the physically health compromised already. The percentage of children who contact it is very small, and the mortality rate among them is minuscule. Polio was a threat when I was a child, a very real one, yet we didn't worry about it, our parents did. This in no way compares. 

Most of my observations made months ago still stand, validated by time and the numbers. 

Covid 19 is very contagious. Those with serious pre-existing medical conditions, the very elderly, the physically fragile, are at much higher risk to die from it. Almost everybody else gets over it. Two people in my family have contacted the virus. Both are over 40. One was very uncomfortable for about 5 days and exhibited some of the common symptoms including loss of smell and fever. Her spouse now tests positive for antibodies but was not ill. 

I haven't seem high rates of the virus among restaurant and retail store employees, hair stylists, or health care workers. (Sure, there are some health care workers who have become ill, and a handful who have had it seriously. But this is not the norm. When I was employed in a hospital setting sometimes patients gave me a cold or flu, it's a risk you take.)

The economy was crippled, our education system is on the ropes, our children fearful, and many individuals in dire need of medical and surgical care are put on the sidelines for weeks. 

Was it necessary? Did it change anything? You have to decide for yourself.  







  1. As an addition to my comments posted earlier this week, here is the link to an excellent article that was brought to my attention today. It totally fits in with my own expressed doubts and concerns. It also puts the mortality rate from covid19 even lower than the figure I published, and explains why.


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