Blog Post/My Books

 Justice for Stacey, 8th Sally Nimitz Mystery****

It has been two years since I put out another Sally Nimitz mystery. Life got in the way.

And a sad fact made itself apparent as well: I'm not as young as I used to be, and neither is my brain! (My partner in this endeavor, who does my formatting and helped me put together my cover, has noticed the same thing.) I have had to spend more time in every aspect of this story, and especially the editing. My editing partner has an eye for detail - I tend to look at things in a more general context - so her assistance was invaluable. 

Many thanks also, to mystery loving friends who gave in-put and advice. When one is not financially reaping a big harvest from book sales, the price of professional editors, etc., is not really an option.

I have sought professional advice in the past, and paid a very good editor to look through one of my previous books. They taught me a great deal. So yes, my mysteries are not of the caliber of some of the big names, but they are enjoyable, relaxing, reads. 

And if you are also one of those gifted people with a great eye for grammar detail and happened to notice some spelling errors or a missing period in one of Sally's previous adventures, and you enjoy reading stories another time, go back to The Disappearance of Douglas White or The Strange Situation at Emlee again in a few months.

Over the winter my goal is to take another look at my earlier mysteries and do some re-editing. 

Justice for Stacey is now available in soft cover or e-book format on Amazon. In about two weeks it will be up in all retail settings in e-book format.

I hope you will enjoy the story. Whether you do or not, I'd love to get your feedback. And if you choose to leave a review (unless you hate it, then just let me know!), even better. 


 ***The latest Sally Nimitz mystery does not have a google retail address on Amazon at all. But if you use the link bypassing the blog and going straight to their site, it will get you there.


  1. Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.

  2. I have read all the Sally Nimitz books. Editing is a never ending process. I think the editing is on par with, what you call, higher caliber authors. I have noted that higher caliber authors have editing errors, but they are over-looked because of their stories and plots. I have found MaryJo's books to be well thought out, believable, fun, and have a logical conclusion.

  3. So happy to hear your latest and probably your last is ready to read! I understand the problem of aging -- someday I will stop blogging. But for now it is helping me exercise my brain so I keep pushing along.

  4. Congratulations and best wishes, Mary Jo on your latest Sally Nimtz! I enjoyed this post and enjoyed visiting on Goodreads.


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