Blog Post Alert

 A problem has come to light with making comments here on Upbeat Book Talk.


    Over time I've been hearing that individuals occasionally made a comment on a blog post that never showed up. It hasn't been that often, but lately I've become suspicious - and sure enough.

Yesterday I explored the issue a little further, and found here on  there is a way to check comments made that haven't been approved. Since comments are supposed to come directly to my e-mail account I've never looked at this before. But I should have. There were some comments made over a long time span that said, "awaiting moderation".  They never appeared in my g-mail.

Carole, the latest comment you made on my latest post was buried here, but fortunately I'm now aware of this issue and put it through.

 My apologies to any of my readers who took the time to comment to a post and it never appeared.

There are times when the person making the comment has not done it as the site requires and I can't fix that. It can be a little tricky.

From now on, if you make a comment and it is done with an identifier, even 'anonymous', it should appear almost immediately, because I've made a change so they no longer need moderation. 

 Comments are great to have! Do leave them if you are inclined to do so.  The rest of us love hearing what you have to say. 



  1. Changing the comments so they don't need moderation should fix it. Blogs need moderation if the people commenting are vicious and mean-spirited or inappropriate. Your readers are none of these. You have lovely comments :)

    1. Yes, it seemed to me if in 18 months I had to refuse only one comment - the individual was actually interested in advertising - it was worth the risk.
      You make many of those lovely comments. :)

  2. Thought you should know my first comment needed approval. "You comment will be visible after approval" popped up after I published. :(

    1. Yes, and I just found this in my blogger comment account again, and not in my g-mail!
      Grrrr. However, sometimes it takes the blog a day or two to change things, so I'll wait before making noise.

  3. You can always change it again if you start getting inappropriate comments.


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