
Three Book Recommendations  Murder on the U.S.S. Rosa (A Ginger Gold Mystery, book I)

     I've read three Ginger Gold mysteries to date, and was amazed to just discover there are now over twenty! Of course giving Lee Strauss series a try by starting at the beginning is a good idea. 

     My take is these are light cozy reads, just good fun when you need to sit back, relax, and put your cares aside to read about this very pretty girl's adventures during the roaring twenties. 


     My next recommendation is a book I haven't read yet myself, so I'm going out on a limb. 

The Monks Hood Murders: A Heathcliff Lennox Mystery by Karen Baugh Menuhin

     This is book number five in this series, and since I enjoyed all of the previous four, it isn't that much of a risk to tell you about this one without critiquing it first. The time period here is also the nineteen twenties, following Lennox' adventures as he adjusts to life after active duty service in the British army in WWI. 


     Leaving fiction behind, here is a recommendation for a very unique autobiography.

Sister to the Sioux, The Memoirs of Elaine Goodale Eastman

     A neighbor who spent a number of years living in South Dakota gave me her copy of this book to read. 

     Looking at the current prices on Amazon the book is enjoying a resurgence of popularity, but the soft cover price is more reasonable, and your local library may have a copy. As you can see the author was a very pretty young woman. Raised in comfort in a sheltered New England life, she was an unlikely candidate for the adventures she would have living among the Dakota Sioux only a few years after Custer's Last Stand. The reader gets a much different perspective into the life of these native people of so many decades ago, as well as a wonderful look at the life of an amazing pioneer woman.  





  1. Sister to the Sioux looks good. I can get through my library.

  2. I can't get any of these from my library, only Spanish editions of two of Lee Strauss novels or an audiobook of the one featured. I really prefer to read. But they all look good.

    1. I often find the Ginger Gold mysteries on sale in e-book format, which is how I've read the first three of them. The Healthcliff Lennox mysteries, the first four, were the same price as my own mysteries, $2.99, until recently. Now the news ones are priced higher.
      Sister to the Sioux is usually available through the library systems, so that's a disappointment. It is a unique and wonderfully written story.


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