Notification to those who come to Upbeat Book Talk

 Hello Everyone,

Another post will be published tomorrow along the lines of my usual categories. But today, I need to let you know about what is going on with my provider,, etc. 


First of all, Feed Burner has notified many of us who post blogs that it will no longer provide subscribers notification when new blogs are posted. At least, not free of charge. This change will become effective my May 21st. Two of you have already had problems getting e-mail notification, and a resolution has never been found either on my provider or g-mail to correct that.

My following is small and I have no intention of paying for this service; I do appreciate its availability for the past 22 months. 

So dear readers, will you be willing to simply check in at Upbeat Book Talk weekly to see what the new post is about? 

I have become aware of another possible opportunity for this service which I haven't explored yet.

That leads me to my second reason for writing this post today.

Should I continue the blog at all? The number of my regular readers is small. At times it surges when I have guest bloggers, or encourage personal contacts to check out a certain post. But those of you who come here faithfully? Merely a handful. 

It has been an enjoyable endeavor for me, and I've learned a great deal. It is fun to share thoughts, ideas, favorite reads, and get some exposure for my own books. But there is a time and a season for everything. 

One place you will not see me is social media; twitter, face book, etc. There are a number of reasons for that. My writing is a personal pleasure, whether it be personal letters, blog posts, e-mails, or stories. It is too late in my life to pursue it as a serious source of income. Grandma Moses I am not!  

Do let me know by either comment to this post or by a personal e-mail your response to the above? 

I have every intention of continuing on for at least another month no matter what my final decision is.



  1. I am one who has simply learned to check for fresh posts on Sunday afternoons. I sometimes peek too soon, but then I just pop in later.

    I will keep reading as long as you keep writing, and when you stop I will go on exchanging emails. If it stops being fun or otherwise rewarding, you should stop.

    I sometimes think about resurrecting my blog, but then I realize I just don't want to commit to that much time.

  2. I enjoy reading your posts, just like enjoy reading your books! And I have found some good book recommendations too. I use Feedly as my blog reader, and as far as I know it's free for both the blog author and readers. So it always shows me when you write a new post.

    1. Thank you! A notification came through my g-mail about 3 weeks ago that Feed Burner was going to discontinue this service, so you won't be notified after May 21st. A friend with
      another blog that uses another blogger service has been told the same.

  3. Interesting about Feedly. I have never heard of that. Sorry about your blog Maryjo! What a bummer. I agree with Carole If it stops being fun or rewarding you should stop. You could start a new blog somewhere else but that's a whole lot of work.


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