Blog post

 Due to lack of time and a deficit in creative thinking, my weekly blog post is SAD this week. 



Here it is late Sunday afternoon and the above is all I have typed so far for the self-imposed deadline of having a new Upbeat Book Talk post available by Monday morning. 

     It is a good thing my livelihood does not depend upon meeting a deadline. I would be dead in the water. 

     My comfort is that according to my stats here, this is my 123rd post. On exactly 122 occasions I've managed to find something to write about. And sometimes it was even imaginative and interesting! 

     Okay, here are a couple of tidbits for you that might be of interest: 

     My guest bloggers generate a lot of visits to the blog; those posts have most of the highest numbers. Thank you Rick and Carole and Barbara and Linda. 

     Other posts that have brought a lot of private comments to my e-mail, and here as well? Most recently the post on cookbooks.  Prior to that it has been the book recommendation, Saving My Assassin, the announcement of the release of Sally Nimitz mystery # 8, Justice for Stacey,  and another book recommendation, Garlic and Sapphires

     Just recently a blog post that did not seem to perk a lot of interest was brought back to my attention by one of you who really enjoyed it. It was another book recommendation, Books that Went to War. So it is okay with me if a post is not popular, per say, as long as some find them worthwhile.

Sorry, this is all I have. And the week ahead is a busy one.  Don't forget me. Come back in a week, please?  I'll do better.  


  1. It's ok. We who write have all been there. This is when I post a classic hymn or something along those lines. Not my favorite post but it fills the empty space and I manage to put out a post and a pretty picture. However, starting this week my weekly posts are changing to whenever. I am taking on a huge responsibility in the fall and have to give up the weekly routine. And by the way, I am happy to say, I am still getting notice that you have posted a blog. 😀

    1. Yes, the notices to most subscribers continues, but I've heard it will end in the next few
      In the past I've given up checking a blog after there is nothing new for several weeks.
      It seems like the proprietor of the blog would let people know if they aren't going to keep it up, but it doesn't seem to work that way. Maybe it is like restaurants; one day they simply put up the 'closed' sign and lock the doors for the last time.

  2. Don't beat yourself up. Who feels fun and creative all the time? Not me. Years ago I did a blog for a while. Had no idea what I was doing, but enjoyed it all the same. Guess we all enjoy being heard by others from time to time. But when my little on line business failed I also gave up the blog. No one has success in everything all the time. Your blog has been a source of enjoyment for me since it started, even though I rarely post a comment. So carry on, Mary Jo.

    1. I didn't beat myself to harshly. :) But it is frustrating to sit come up an essential blank,
      sitting here in front of the key board.
      Thanks, Sis. And thanks for the recent comments.
      Sadly so far no one who has old family recipes has come up with that date bread you loved.


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